Newer Paintings for Sale > Turtle Swirl 30"x35"
Turtle Swirl 30"x35"

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Price: $8,500.00
Availability: in stock

Acrylic on canvas 30" x 35"

Carol McArdle has been painting water since begining her Natural Florida Series but turtles are a fairly new subject. Seeing the swirling patterns of the water around the movement of the turtle Carol knew she wanted to capture the scene. To create the complex water patterns Carol worked in many layers of paint and glazes and had to wait for each layer to dry before starting a new one. Instead of her usual oils, acrylic paint was the perfect medium for "Turtle Swirl" due to acrylic's speedy drying time.

The turtle most often seen in Florida waters is the green turtle but there can also be the loggerhead, kemp's ridley, leatherback and hawksbill. All are endangered by our modern world and need to be protected and conserved. Let's hope these ancient creatures will live on for many more thousands of years.

Prints also available to order in the size you want.

All rights reserved. Copyright 2024 Carol McArdle