Hand Embellished Giclees
Prints on canvas with some hand painted embellishments


Almost any painting on this website can be ordered as a giclee print, including most  SOLD paintings 

Order giclee prints on canvas or watercolor paper in the size you want 

(Here's more information about embellished giclee prints)


On this page are just some examples of prices and sizes of hand embellished prints. Many more available than what is listed here

Click here for examples of regular, non-embellished giclee prints

Sparkle 24"x20"
Sparkle 36" x 30"
Sparkle 48" x 40"

For more information or a price for the print of your choice in the size you want please E-mail carol@carolmcardle.com, call or text (239)-849-4745

If print is shipped rolled up it is free. Recommended for larger prints as shipping can get expensive. Any frame shop can stretch the canvas for you.

All rights reserved. Copyright 2024 Carol McArdle